Episode 11: Daughter of Smoke and Bone

This week we’re reading Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor.


We’re talking moments that hit you in the feels, angels being close enough to Christmas for our reading habits and vagina dentata.


We’re also talking the complex nature of good vs. evil, tiny fairies that bite and the challenges of a book hangover.


Harley tries to figure out how the hell she lost an entire book and Holly is falling in love with the incredible imagery


There’s also a drive by mention of The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley if you’re more interested in King Arthur mythology than angels and not-quite-demons. Harley manages to keep her Isobelle Carmody rant in check, though only just.

For the full episode transcript click here.

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Episode 12: The Midnight Library


Episode 10: The Stupidest Angel