Episode 19: Prince Harry Drives us Spare

This week we’re reading Spare by some bloke called Haz (you may know him as Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex).

We mention in the show that this episode is a spare (or bonus) episode however, like an extra getting a speaking role just for being in the right place at the right time, it got promoted when some scheduling issues arose.

We’re talking way too much information about his frosty todger, the intense violence with no trigger warnings and the overdose of self pity.

We’re also talking the reality that not every animal is trying to send the future former prince a message (unless it’s smoke less weed), the realities of older siblings and the frustrating lack of self awareness throughout this book.

Harley regrets listening to the audiobook instead of speed reading the damn thing, Holly regrets even putting this on the to-read list, neither of us can manage strong feelings about Meghan Markle.

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Episode 20: The Kaiju Preservation Society


Episode 18: Do Bimbos Hate Love?