Episode 22: The Song of Achilles

This week we’re reading The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller.


We’re talking our sketchy knowledge of Homer’s The Illiad and The Odyssey, the changing styles of storytelling throughout history and the often disappointing reality of reading something that everyone has hyped up before you got to it.


We’re also talking the nature of Greek tragedies, characters you’re not supposed to like and the moments that don’t land because they’re still true to the original story.


Despite wildly different plots Holly can’t tell the difference between 300 and Troy, Harley realises that her general knowledge of historical legends is more extensive than she thought.


We also mention the author’s other book, Circe; the plays Oedipus and Antigone by Sophocles; Neon Gods by Katee Roberts and Disney’s The Lion King.


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Episode 23: The Book Eaters


Episode 21: All the Dangerous Things