Episode 23: The Book Eaters

This week we’re reading The Book Eaters by Sunyi Dean.

We’re talking the challenges of debut novels, the ideas vs execution pipeline and why having the right expectations for a book is sometimes more important than whether or not it’s actually good.

We’re also talking books that give us déjà vu, an overwhelming amount of ideas and the concept of books as meals (even if we’re not chowing down Book Eater style).

Harley is not taking disappointment well and Holly is rather fixated on the number 7.

Some of the other books mentioned are Isobelle Carmody’s many unfinished series, Carrie by Stephen King and Dear Writer by Carmel Bird (which, while it is out of print, Harley recommends to all writers going through the editing process).

We also talk about Charmed – for the record the episode was They’re Everywhere and the brain zapping bad guys were actually just warlocks (also Harley got basically all the other details wrong and will now be rewatching Charmed in between devouring books).

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Episode 24: Pachinko


Episode 22: The Song of Achilles